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MindWorks Communications 

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Born under the astrological sign, Scorpio. Ascendent or Descendent - I know neither. But when the shoes fit one should be comfortable in the  wearing. I have also known a few fellow travellers over the years. 


So, yes ... I subscribe to (some of) the astrological notions .... I'm Scorpio, with some overtones of Saggitarius. Consequently, Life is not simply black or white. There are numerous shades and hues along that path.


What is the significance (if any) of this collection of photographs?


Damned if I know. Beyond the fact that they are simply representations of some of my life experiences ..... they're just photographs. Moments in time.


Tangentally, a non sequitur .....


I've come to the realisation that someone walking along the sidewalk (16 floors down) ... in flip-flops that can be heard flip-flopping sixteen floors up .... irritates the hell out of me.


I place such individuals along the same plane that I place the cell-phone talkers who have never been taught to use their 'inner voice'. They're like the drip, dripping of a leaky faucet; and just as annoying.


Yet, I like my music LOUD! Neil Young and Crazyhorse - my all-time favourite musical muse of harmonic distortion at its finest.


Van Halen (when David Lee Roth still had his locks and Eddie hadn't jumped on the A.A bandwagon) is another of my favourites. Eruption, Running with the devil, Ice cream man.


But I digress. Driven by distractions.

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